Error 0x8007045d: What It Is and How to Fix It ?

The 0x8007045d error code can be caused by your software and hardware

The 0x8007045d error code can appear in all versions of Windows when a device has difficulty locating or reading files correctly. Typically, this happens during an app or Windows update. However, error code 0x8007045d has also been known to appear during a faulty file transfer or system backup.

How the 0x8007045d Error Code Appears

Error code 0x8007045d can appear in a pop-up error message and parts of Windows 10 when files are accessed or an update is in progress. Below are two examples of how the 0x8007045d error can appear:
  • The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error (0x8007045D) Please rerun backup once the issue is resolved.
  • Windows cannot install required files. Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart the installation. Error code: 0x8007045D

Causes of the 0x8007045d Error

An 0x8007045d error code occurs when a computer has difficulty accessing or reading the required files during a process. This can be caused by a corrupt Windows registry, corrupt system or program files, an incomplete file download, faulty memory modules, or a damaged storage device such as an external hard drive, USB drive, CD, or DVD.

How to Fix a 0x8007045d Error

Because error code 0x8007045d can be triggered by software and hardware problems, there are a variety of strategies that can be attempted when dealing with it.

1.Restart Windows. This basic action has a habit of fixing the most random computer errors and is worth trying anytime you encounter tech troubles.

Tip: Make sure you restart the Windows computer the correct way. Doing it incorrectly could cause issues.

2.Update Windows. A Windows update installs the latest features and security patches. It also scans the device for corrupted files and errors and fixes those files and errors.

Tip: To check for a new Windows update, go to Settings > Update & Security > Check for updates. Make sure the Windows device is plugged into a power source, as some updates may take a while, especially if it's been a long time since the last update.

3.Reconnect the drive. If you encounter this error while accessing files on an external drive such as a USB stick or DVD, disconnect it from the Windows computer, plug it in, and attempt the task again.

4.Clean CDs and DVDs. Grimy fingerprints may be behind the 0x8007045d error message. When disks are dirty, the computer's disk drive may have a hard time reading the data properly. Give the disk a cleaning the proper way, and try the task again.

5.Repair CDs and DVDs. If a CD or DVD is cracked or scratched, there's no amount of cleaning that will make it readable again. Instead, try to repair it. Several methods have been proven to work.

Note: If you don't want to repair a disk yourself, try a professional disk repair kit. These are relatively affordable and typically get the job done.

6.If you're sure the error was caused by a damaged disk and you're unable to repair it, the best solution may be to order a replacement disk from the supplier.

Try an alternative USB port. The port may be damaged. If you have another USB port on your Windows device, try that one as well.

7.Transfer the files to your computer. If you're installing an app or update from an external drive or disk and you get the 0x8007045d error message, copy the relevant files to your computer and run the installation or update from there.

8.Re-download the files. The files you're accessing may have been corrupted during the initial download. This can be caused by a weak or faulty internet connection or an issue on the website's server. If you can, delete the files, then download the files again.

Tip: An easy way to determine if the files were downloaded properly is to compare the file size to that listed on the official website. If an installation file is supposed to be 800 MB, but it's only 200 MB after being downloaded, something's not working correctly.

9.Transfer the files via the cloud. If you can't access the files from an external drive, the disk drive may be physically damaged, and no amount of cleaning will fix the problem. To get around this, send the files to your computer using a cloud service, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

Tip: If you don't have a cloud services account, transfer the files to your computer by attaching the files to an email message.

10.Update the drivers. This process can fix errors relating to both local and external drives.

11.Check the drive for errors. Windows has a built-in tool that scans drives for errors and corrects the errors. The scan should only take a few minutes. You're alerted to any errors detected during the scan when it finishes.

12.Run the Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter. Windows has a suite of built-in programs called troubleshooters. These programs scan for specific tech issues and correct those problems.

The one you want to use is called the Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter. To find it, select Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot. Then, select Run the troubleshooter under its title.

Tip: You may also want to run the Shared Folders Troubleshooter from the same screen. If you get the 0x8007045d error while performing a Windows update, run the Windows Update Troubleshooter.

13.Temporarily disable antivirus programs. Antivirus programs can interfere with updates and installations. Disable whatever program is running in the background, and try the update again.

Important: Turn the antivirus protection back on when you're finished, as an unprotected computer may cause more trouble in the future.


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